
等待歷史 - YouTube

自從Internet開始booming後, 傳統商業邏輯隨時都在改寫...

--------News 原文----------
Only a "moron" would buy YouTube, says Cuban, By Paul Thomasch
Thu Sep 28, 4:59 PM ET

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billionaire investor and dot-com veteran Mark Cuban had harsh words on Thursday for YouTube, the online site that lets people share video clips, saying only a "moron" would purchase the wildly popular start-up.


Cuban, co-founder of HDNet and owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, also said YouTube would eventually be "sued into oblivion" because of copyright violations.

"They are just breaking the law," Cuban told a group of advertisers in New York. "The only reason it hasn't been sued yet is because there is nobody with big money to sue."

YouTube, based in San Mateo, California, specializes in serving up short videos created by everyday people. Its popularity, with more than 100 million video showings daily, has spurred speculation the firm will be sold or taken public.

But YouTube has also come under scrutiny because users often post copyrighted material, including music videos produced by well-established artists.

YouTube company representatives were not immediately available to respond to Cuban's comments.

Cuban said "anyone who buys that (YouTube) is a moron" because of potential lawsuits from copyright violations.


"There is a reason they haven't yet gone public, they haven't sold. It's because they are going to be toasted," said Cuban, who has sold start-ups to Yahoo Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO - news) and CompuServe.

YouTube, which has nearly one-third of the U.S. Web video audience, three times that of Google Inc., or twice that of News Corp's MySpace, has been working on signing licensing deals with music companies and TV networks to ensure they are paid when users view their content.

This month YouTube unveiled its first deal to distribute music videos legally from a major music company by agreeing a deal with Warner Music Group, home to pop stars James Blunt and Madonna.

In other remarks, meanwhile, the often-controversial Cuban also told advertisers that the reach of YouTube is limited, particularly when it comes to user-generated videos.

"User-generated content is not going away," he said. "But do you want your advertising dollars spent on a video of Aunt Jenny watching her niece tap dance?"

"Somebody puts up something really good and you get, what, 60,000 viewers?" Cuban added during the event at Advertising Week in New York.

YouTube now offers advertising through banner ads, promotions and sponsorships. It has said it plans to roll out a range of different advertising options over the coming year.

Cuban cautioned advertisers against investing heavily in so-called viral campaigns that are spread by users beyond their initial point of distribution on YouTube or other video sharing sites. But he touted opportunities to run commercials on high-definition television such as his HDNet network.

"What makes viral so special is it's so hard to do. It's so hard to plan. It's hard to stand out," he said, describing 99 percent of money advertisers spend on viral campaigns as "wasted."

"You guys love to be the trailing edge," he said.


克菲爾FAQ (持續更新中)

1. 問題: 小克如果產生出很怪的發酵乳, 是不是就掛了?! 答: 小克是很耐的菌, 若碰到問題, 請再給小克一次機會, 不要把它扔了. 很可能是因為放在過熱室溫下, 牛奶餿了! 請將菌母濾出, 壞掉的發酵乳可以拿去澆花. 使用可飲用的水將菌母沖乾淨, 再加入新鮮的牛奶(菌:奶=1:1) , 置於室溫下(需低於攝氏27度), 發酵時間約2小時. 再檢查是否正常發酵: 1. 有產生氣體嗎? 2. 有正常發酵嗎? 若一切順利, 表示小克是活著的, 可以逐步增加牛奶的量. 2. 問題: 每個人都可以喝小克嗎? 答: 小克含有微量酒精(<1%), 對酒精或酵母菌過敏的人不能喝. 目前已知 -- 痛風的人不能. 因為小克含有酒精, 朋友的朋友有痛風, 喝完隔天手指就腫起來啦! 3. 問題: 小克顆粒變小了, 怎麼辦? 答: 換種牛奶品牌, 並調整牛奶與菌母的比例 -- 菌母不要放太少. 4. 問題: 哪種品牌的牛奶較好? 答: 目前我試過最滿意的是養樂多及義美的, 喝起來奶香味十足, 且很濃稠. 最糟糕的是福樂, 喝起來有奶油味!!! 5. 問題: 養克菲爾有什麼禁忌? 答: (1)克菲爾菌母不能接觸金屬, 過濾時不要拿金屬湯匙攪拌. (2)需放在21~27度室溫發酵, 溫度過低, 克菲爾菌會休息, 過高菌母會死掉. (3)克菲爾一定要放在玻璃瓶罐或PP耐熱容器中, 其他塑膠容器可能會產生毒素. 6. 問題: 過濾後的克菲爾發酵乳馬上就可以喝嗎? 答: 是的, 過濾後的馬上可以喝. 網路上有人建議放12-24小時「熟成」後再喝. 若是使用全脂牛奶, 熟成後乳脂會集結得很明顯, 發酵乳上方會有一層像鮮奶油的物質. 喝之前可稍微攪拌一下或搖動一下. 若是變成一坨一坨, 最好再過濾一下.

克菲爾養成 - 牛奶的選擇

我都用鮮奶餵養小克, 對自己好一點, 一桶桶買也很方便. 原本是在便利商店買特價鮮乳--光泉二瓶101~107元, 瑞穗一大一中90元. 因牛奶用量很大, 改為去大賣場採買大瓶裝, 稍微省一點(每公升52~54元). 口感上, 試到目前我最喜歡使用的是味全鮮乳(低脂). 做出來的小克酸味中等, 乳脂低, 喝起來不會太濃稠. 而且不會有太多乳脂在瓶身上!!! 另外, 光泉(低脂)也不錯, 但乳脂感覺較多. 瑞穗鮮乳我用了一陣子, 感覺還好, 乳脂也不少. Nancy說她不敢用瑞穗, 因為過期的瑞穗放很久都不會變質, 不知是有放防腐劑或是殺菌太過徹底?! 最差的是福樂北海道特濃鮮乳, 小克會被包覆一層乳脂, 喝起來有奶油味, 很人工! 而且在換掉牛奶後, 還需要約一週時間, 小克才會把那感覺代謝掉!!! 以下為我試過的品牌: 光泉(低脂 & 全脂) 瑞穗(低脂 & 全脂) 統一鮮乳(低脂) 味全鮮乳(低脂, 極品限定低脂) 福樂北海道特濃鮮乳(全脂)

按摩好店: 素可泰養生會館

最近覺得身體很僵硬, 很需要借助外力推一下, 消消腫. 剛好Yaling推薦了這家離新生活美容診所很近的泰式按摩, 又有特價... 晚上去健身房後, 決定趕在12點打烊前去馬一下. 要按得多好, 才會讓一小碗回家馬上寫文推呢?! 首先, 按摩的時間要很足, 小姐只有去拿熱毛巾時, 離開一下, 絕對有按滿120分. 而且和其他家做比較, 手法非常仔細, 有發生某件神奇的事... 最近我的牙齒咬合不是很好, 也打算去跟我的牙醫報到, 按完後回家, 我發現下排牙齒稍稍移位, 咬合好像改善了. (我還是會去看牙醫啦!) 我試過板橋的椰林, 南京東路的美斯樂, 吉林路李炳輝養生館, 延吉街中山按摩院(盲人), 還有泰國清邁及菲律賓的幾家SPA. 比起來這一家(或這位師傅#3)最厲害. 手法唯一勉強比得上的, 只有盲人按摩的黃師傅. 但泰式按摩的環境較舒服, 讓我很愛! 價格: 一~五 泰式按摩$1100/2小時, 精油按摩$1600/2小時 週六日 泰式按摩$1300/2小時, 精油按摩$1600/2小時 地址: 臺北市新生南路一段126號1樓 電話: (02)3393-8050