

目前顯示的是 9月, 2006的文章

等待歷史 - YouTube

自從Internet開始booming後, 傳統商業邏輯隨時都在改寫... 賠大錢的公司被人用天價買下來, 賺錢的公司也可能不值錢, 無形的人氣和會員瀏覽數可以變成現金! 總算有人提起YouTube的不合法性, 讓我看看它到底是會成還是會垮吧! --------News 原文---------- Only a "moron" would buy YouTube, says Cuban , By Paul Thomasch Thu Sep 28, 4:59 PM ET NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billionaire investor and dot-com veteran Mark Cuban had harsh words on Thursday for YouTube, the online site that lets people share video clips, saying only a "moron" would purchase the wildly popular start-up. ADVERTISEMENT Cuban, co-founder of HDNet and owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, also said YouTube would eventually be "sued into oblivion" because of copyright violations. "They are just breaking the law," Cuban told a group of advertisers in New York. "The only reason it hasn't been sued yet is because there is nobody with big money to sue." YouTube, based in San Mateo, California, specializes in serving up short videos created by everyday people. Its popularity, w


不小心又看到hate blog, 覺得很愚昧 沒有提出想法, 怎知道別人沒錢? 想要從別人的口袋裡掏出錢來, 不是在心裡想想就好 在自憐同時, 也要想想自己有幾斤幾兩 既沒有能換錢的idea, 又沒有執行力 天上是不會掉下資金的!


鴛鴦湖在哪兒? 這個只有學術研究名義才能進入的保育區, 位於宜蘭, 需經棲蘭神木區再往上走數公里 明明就是很容易到達的地方, 這一次, 卻因為混亂而沒有去! 僅僅免費去逛了神木區... 殘念!!! (註: 棲蘭神木區已外包給民間管理, 需要經由特定代理公司才能入園) 園區最高, 身高51公尺, 狀似雌雄同體的包公神木 神木內向外望 相本