

目前顯示的是 8月, 2006的文章

【徵求旅伴】溯溪活動, 一起感受山林之美啦!

去年夏天, 沒有機會去溯溪, 在水中感受山林之美 趁著天還夠熱, 希望能找些朋友一起去參加外面的活動, 試試看囉! 日期: 9/17 or 9/30 (一日活動) 地點: 瑪鋉溪 or 大屯溪 報名截止日期: 9/8 or 9/22 行前說明會: 9/8 or 9/22 晚上七點半 費用: $1200 (含車費、保險、領隊、午餐、公用裝備、個人溯溪裝備) 自備:小背包、溯溪鞋、排汗衣、兩截式雨衣、泳褲、護膝(可著快乾之運動長褲替代)、備換衣物、手電筒、身分證/健保卡。 活動單位準備:救生衣、溯溪頭盔、扁帶(或座位式確保)、勾環、手套。 活動資訊: 9/17 瑪鋉溪溯溪 9/30 大屯溪溯溪


超過其他人的權限, 來得莫名, 去得突兀 我沒有要過, 你要收回, 我也無所謂 未曾擁有, 何來失去?! 嗟~ 不過是沒禮貌罷了!

2006-08-26 蜜月灣合興浪花節

As Good as New

I finally took my X31 to the service station yesterday for maintenance before its 3-year warranty runs out. A while back, my X31 started acting funny. Sometimes, it won't start after I press the power button until I flip-flopped the lid several times and found the right angle. At the station, the service clerk said that IBM may replace my broken LCD's plastic frame because for all X3x-series, IBM does offer the service. But in my case, it's way too worn out to judge whether it was my fault. Got my X31 back tonite. Wow!!! It's definitely as good as new. Not only the LCD and motherboard are replaced, the plastic frames surrounding LCD & keyboard are definitely brand new. Also, I've got a new red dot! Dear X31 babe, we can go for another 3 years! Maybe with a new HDD and a new battery. XD

this personal soapbox

true freedom is only an imaginary friend in this net standing on my own soapbox, i have no idea who will stop by - friends or foes? day by day... i express my true feelings or attack what others write in their own journals once in a blue moon, i repeat my own privacy statements or disclaimer especially after receiving comments or concerns should i be sensitive or explosive? should i pick on you or on my own brain? the choice is obvious! the pattern continues... ciao~


福山植物園泥土石子步道不長, 每走一小段就有木造涼亭供遊人休息 一路上看到很多人在亭子裡聊天, 很是愜意 步道常有分叉路, 可以進入特定植物區, 繞一圈又回到主要幹道 園區內大部分植物都有名牌, 而且沒有加上冗長的說明, 給人閱讀的壓力 真的很適合靜靜地散步閒逛, 可惜進入要申請 第14車 便當公差 示意圖 - 明明就在台北縣的主園區, 偏要跋山涉水從宜蘭繞進去 沒什麼意義, 只因我喜歡路盡頭的那幾棵形狀美好的樹 isaac 發現的蟲 - 隔著鐵網拍拍 泥偶家小祖宗 - 長好大了呢! 日本茶屋景 - 如果有人穿著和服端茶出來, 我也不會太意外 梧桐 - 終於見識到瓊瑤筆下的傷心浪漫原件之一 花花樹幹 花花樹幹(2) 來不及逛的一區 花(1) 花(2) --------- 為什麼樹稍的葉子都先轉紅呢? ------------- 福山入口山產店旁玩水

perception of situations

sometimes ppl have different perception of situations... "貼心準備但遲到的點心盒因為已經吃了早餐沒人吃得下所以被遺忘在垃圾桶了,我果然不懂惜福暴殄天物啊!!" is it "late"? well, we've never said that we'd supply breakfast. what can i say? i could imagine most of the food ended up the same way. it is upsetting to read this even though. we may all get punished for wasting food one day. "行程中讓人嚮往的看夜景所在原來是無法訂位的,還好還有阿宗芋冰城等著我們然後中午吃的黑店花生冰也是一級讚喔!!" don't say that you would've gone to see the nite scene. that was not true. the fact is you guys went for the ice, and nobody bothered to check out the coffee place at all. well, for sure you'll be punished soon -- within a month, hehe... being a female is the punishment! -- eating ice 5 times in one day... what else?! 嘖嘖嘖...


不知道為什麼, 上一瓶格蘭利威開始變得不好喝了 誤以為習慣了 whisky 的口味, 下手就變重了, 舌頭反而嚐到了刺鼻的味道 才了解到, 原來自己並不愛 whisky. 說愛喝酒, 不如說是愛那個氣氛吧! 還是最愛紅酒囉~

[爬山] 草湳經貓空圓山至二格中繼站

週日晃到草湳去, 本想經土地公廟往二格, 快速來回. 一開始沒多久, 看到叉路口很明顯的路條, 這條小徑好像剛被清理過 又忍不住走了上去... 心想, 反正一定會往二格, 對吧?! 叉路 Standing Out 一道陽光直射的松樹, 光影把枝葉變成紅色 不小心經過了 貓空圓山509M 又見二格中繼站 這條叉路完全看不到中繼站, 直到爬上最後的陡坡, 才會看到建築的水泥地基再拉繩爬上, 我爬了近1小時才到. 每次到這兒, 總會忍不住加入那二株椰子樹剪影, 讓畫面有熱帶的感覺~ 綠蟬? 中繼站到土地公廟那短短的幾百公尺, 是許多蝴蝶和蜻蜓的秘密基地 這隻小蟲停在葉子上, 我的鏡頭過來都不會跑, 可惜沒對準, 殘念! 久違了的夢幻淺景深(1) 久違了的夢幻淺景深(2) 夕陽(1) - 看到拍出來的天空有微微漸層顏色, 真好! 可惜天不夠藍, 雲不夠白~ 夕陽(2) - 為什麼太陽蛋黃會被描一圈橘紅呢?